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This study is to appraise the effect of recruitment and selection in an organization with a study of Ministry of Defence, Area 10, Garki, Abuja. Every organization depends on the effective use of its available resources in order to achieve its objectives; these resources, if they are to be effectively utilized should be obtained in the right quantity, in the right quality and at the right time. The objective of the study is to appraise the effect of recruitment and selection process on in Ministry of Defence, Abuja. To this end, a lot of literature was reviewed to throw more light on the topic under study. Relevant data for this research work were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A descriptive method was used for this study. The population studied is 142 while the sample size is 142 wherein census sampling technique was adopted. The statistical instrument used in analyzing the data collected was simple percentage. From the analysis, it was found out that that recruitment and selection has affected Ministry of Defence, Abuja employee job execution in a positive way and the effect of recruitment and selection in Ministry of Defence, Abuja helps in achieving set goals by hiring suitable applicants and it simplifies employment process. It is recommended that organizations should desist from the old and former ways of employment where people are employed on the basis of whom you know. The supervisors should be allowed to have a say in the recruitment and selection process because the supervisor knows the job vacancies and description and the kind of people needed to fill into the vacant position; they should have the final say on who gets employed or not.



1.1     Background to the Study

This chapter deals with one of the most crucial activities of personnel specialist in an organization. It is in recruitment area that personnel staff plays the major role whereas selection is shared widely throughout the organization, recruitment is very much a specialized activity.

Every organization depends on the effective use of its available resources in order to achieve its objectives; these resources, if they are to be effectively utilized should be obtained in the right quantity, in the right quality and at the right time. However, the human resources is considered as the most important, most valuable, most complicated and the least predictable. This resource that processes these other resources in order that the result would constitute the goal of the organization.

The personnel employed in the organization according to Vicker staff (2009), serves as the hub around which other resources revolves. This allows the enter wheel of the organization to turn smoothly in order to perform more effectively, efficiently and economically. This is the reason why the personnel employed in any organization who eventually becomes the bread winner of his family and an instrument of progress for the society has to be well structured. The personnel here need emotions, interest and attachment his productivity or performance becomes stronger if he is reasonably taken care of and his work environment is made conducive. The organization itself and the society at large becomes the ultimate beneficiary according to Storey and Session (2010). Recruitment for any organization is very important right through the entire lifespan of that organization. In Ministry of Defence, Abuja, government control should never be self-advised according to Catano et al (2010). Good organizational structure does not by itself guarantee good performance. There is the reason therefore to match organization or the public service with very sound and quality staff so that performance would become more effective indeed target setting performance-measurement and minority will be affected without the necessary impetus given to systematic recruitment and selection mechanism.

Ministry of Defence, Abuja comprises of staff used administratively by the government which is the highest employer of labour. The government uses the staff to transform her policy into result that world benefits the citizenry. Therefore, the right caliber of personnel must be placed to perform these varied functions. However, the government organization known as the civil service is weighed down by the familiar problem of the government owned by the organization in Abuja.

This problem according to Ezeali and Esiagu (2014), comprises ethnicity, religious strife, corruption, colonial history, governance / leadership style, the quota system and federal character principle. It is within this context the issue discussed in this research work revolves as it affects Ministry of Defence, Abuja especially: the idea of recruitment and selection system as practiced in advanced democracies pay greater emphasis on criterion like written test, interviews, academic abilities and self-discipline which must operate within an environment that respect rules which govern recruitment and selection and advancement under conditions of political neutrality, equal opportunity and competition on the basis of merit and competence Stanley (2014). Chandel and Plano (2012) emphasized demonstrated fitness as the key personnel factor in the recruitment and selection system, they went further to state that recruitment and selection of the best qualified applicant to fill a vacancy, job tenure, position clarification, standardization of pay and promotion as well as pay increase based on performance evaluation are hallmark of the system.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The researcher has chosen the topic “Recruitment and Selection Processes in an Organization”. However, the concept of recruitment and selection is primarily concerned with attraction of sufficient and suitable potential employees to apply for vacancies in the organization. Meanwhile the government organization known as the civil service is weighed down by some problems of the organizations owned by the government in Ministry of Defence, Abuja According to Ezeali and Esiagu (2014). The problem of the organization comprises religious strife, ethnicity, corruption, quota system etc there are some other problems which are listed below:

(1)          No weighting of interview questions

(2)          Poor setting of the interview

(3)          Insufficient follow up question

(4)          Untrained interviewers

(5)          Failure to check with former employee

(6)          Unclear job requirements

(7)          Inappropriate question

(8)          Failure to post opening

(9)          Tapping successors

(10)     Vague selection criteria

(11)     Failure to provide reasonable accommodation for disable applicants

(12)     Failure to notify unsuccessful contenders of the selection decision

(13)     Failure to provide the new employee with a substantive orientation of the job

(14)     Rushed selection process

(15)     Insufficient outreach

(16)     Recruitment outside of the personnel system.

Similarly, the military involvement in politics and federal character principles are all posing a great threat to success of recruitment and selection in government and public organizations in Nigeria.


1.3                 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this research work is to appraise the Effects of Recruitment and Selection Process in an Organization. However, the specific objectives can also be to appraise the performance of Ministry of Defence, Abuja against the backdrop of personnel recruitment and selection especially if it is accepted that it is obligatory on organization to fulfill her objectives and goal to its employees by providing for the good life.

Specifically the objectives are to:-

                                     i.                  To appraise the effect of recruitment and selection process in Ministry of Defence, Abuja.

                                   ii.                  To ascertain the influence of recruitment and selection process in Ministry of Defence, Abuja.

                                iii.                  To find out the effect of recruitment and selection on attracting suitable employee to cover up a vacant position in Ministry of Defence Abuja.

                                 iv.                  To determine the effect of recruitment and selection on job performance in Ministry of Defence, Abuja.

                                   v.                  To find out the impact of recruitment and selection on achieving set goals in Ministry of Defence, Abuja.


1.4                 Research Questions

The research questions are designed to address the following questions stated below:

i.                   To what extent has recruitment and selection affected the Ministry of Defence, Abuja Employee Job Execution?

ii.                 What is the impact of recruitment and selection in Ministry of Defence, Abuja?

iii.              What is the effect of recruitment and selection on Ministry of Defence, Abuja?

iv.               To what extent has recruitment and selection impacted on efficient and effective job performance in Ministry of Defence, Abuja?

v.                 What is the impact of recruitment and selection in achieving set goals in Ministry of Defence, Abuja?


1.5                 Significance of the Study

The study will provide a framework for organizations particularly in terms of staff recruitment, retention strategies and organizational performance in Nigeria.

It will serve as a basis for further studies in the area of staff recruitment process for organizational performance and also add to the body of literature.

Furthermore, it will be helpful to policy makers in organizations particularly in terms of staff acquisition, and the personnel department in terms of implementation of personnel policies and practices that will retain their competent workforce toward achieving the goals of the organization.




1.6                 Scope of the Study

This study is to appraise the effect of recruitment and selection processes in an organization. The study focuses on Ministry of Defence, Headquarters Area 10 Garki, Abuja.


1.7     Limitations of the Study

In an attempt to make this research work a successful one by the researcher, some problems were encountered which the researcher could not control easily these includes:

Time Constraint:

This study was a case based on Ministry of Defence, Abuja, but because of time, it was impossible and tired some for the researcher to visit all the offices in Ministry of Defence, Abuja.

Cost effectiveness:

The researcher could not afford the cost of visiting all the offices in the Ministry, so some parts of selected offices were chosen to carry out the research work.


The researcher was equally constrained by lack of finance, this the researcher needed to be able to prepare her questionnaire and transportation of moving from one office to the other to acquire the needed information that will be valuable in the research work.


1.8     Definition of Terms

Recruitment and Selection: The term recruitment and selection are used interchangeably with one another. For this project, the terms will mean the positive action taken to find the right quality and quantity of personnel into an organization. Recruitment immediately precedes selection by paving way for producing the smallest number of candidates who appears to be capable of performing a task or of developing the ability to do within a period of time, duties acceptable to the employing organization.

Personnel: This constitutes the manpower employed by an organization to carry out a specific assigned task.

Public Service: A machinery of goods used by the executive to assist in policy formulation and implementation directed at achieving happiness and satisfaction for a greater percentage of the population of a country.

Bureaucracy: This represents an impersonal abstraction that places authority and legitimacy on an office and not on the person (bureaucrat) occupying such an office. A bureaucrat is guided by rules and formal procedures stipulated by an institution and tailored towards the attainment of efficiency and the best result.

Quota System: This is a device used to check the over-flooding of a particular job or vacant job opportunity by people from a particular ethnic origin if properly applied; it allows forever representation of people from different background and geographical zones of the country or state.

Federal Character: The Nigeria 1999 constitution describes this term in the context of government conduct reflecting the federal character. This means the promotion of national unity and loyalty whereby a single or few ethnic groups are prevented from high jacking the instrument of government, spoil of official government employment at the disfavor of other groups.


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This research work was design to determine and focused on the impact of motivation on workers’ productivity in an organization of Federal Polytechnic Library Nasarawa, the population of the study was (250), and the sample used is (100). The primary data were collected through the instrument of questionnaire, interviews, and observation. The secondary data were collected from textbooks, journals, magazines, newspapers and online research. The researcher found out that employee can improve their performance if they are motivated in the work place. The research revealed that there is relationship between motivation and performance in the organization. The project work is segmented into five chapters. Chapter one studies the background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study, definition of terms. Chapter two review some related literature, Chapter three is the research methodology while chapter four is the data presentation and analysis. Chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the researcher.

Keywords: Impact, Motivation, Workers, Productivity, Organization





The need to improve or enhance productivity has been the primary objective of any establishment whether such an organization is profit oriented or government organization. The human resource of an enterprise is a variable factor in the production of goods and services for the public. The variable factors need to be motivated and organized and induced as a hymen element in the application of fixed factors (material resources) by the management of the organization to achieve maximum productivity, it is a fact that every human being has talent, skills, knowledge and institution which need to be magnified mobilize induced harmonized collectivity with those of other individuals in the organizations in other to achieve high productivity. Unless this is achieved or done human resources engage or employed in the establishment is checked to be adequately utilized. When there is inadequate or improper utilization of the human resources employed in an organization maximized (ultimate goal) cannot be achieved by the management of that organization, this is because as human resources are left dormant, the material resource also will be underutilized. To effectively induced mobilized and harmonized the tablemat human skill, knowledge and institution and  effective productivity proper or relevant strategies should be involved and applied to the personnel of the organization to have the direct positive impact on the works, the education and application of the strategies be carried out by the employers who must put in to consideration the social economics and physical psychotically perspective of the employees both as a group and as individuals. This means that for the application of the strategy to have the direct result the employees must take cognizance of the volatile human values the unpredictability of human nature the individuality of the employees and the group or groups in the organization to evolve any strategy or strategies to be effectively applied to the achieve the desired productivity the concept of human relations has to be brought into practice whereby subordinate and superior or supervisor  have to build and develop a cordial working relationship the attainment of individual goals the responsibility of the individual to the organization specification of the organization object or goals and those of the individual or group in the organization etc. all have to be properly articulated, analyzed and harmonized to the understanding of the parties (employees and the employers concerned).



The most valuable asset in the human organization is the personnel of the organization.

This human asset needs to be improved upon in order to enhance the overall productivity of the executive class of all this asset on the executive calls of organization to attain maximized productivity there is a generally noticeable poor attitude to work by employees in area of:

                                            i.            Lateness to work

                                          ii.            Early closure from work

                                        iii.            Persistent absenteeism

                                        iv.            Lack of discipline

                                          v.            Lack of commitment to duty

                                        vi.            Insubordination to constituted authority

It is envisaged that there is lack of poor remunerating, poor and unfair treatment of employees pervading in the public sector of the Nigeria economic generally. This in turn has led to the total loss of interest on the employees and therefore poor input, low morale and commitment and as a result, poor total output. This therefore has lead this researcher into finding out the strategies for improving productivity in the study area.

1.2              OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

The objective of this research is listed below.

1.      To discover various strategies for improving employee’s productivity in the organization.

2.      To examine the various forms of motivation police of the organization.

3.      Examine how conductive the working atmosphere of organizer.

4.      To determine if motivation is the main reason for high productivity.

5.      To provide adequate safety measure and composition for the employee.




1.3              RESEARCH QUESTIONS

In looking at the impact of motivation on workers’ productivity in an organization, the following questions were formulated:

                                i.            What are the various impact of motivation on worker productivity?

                              ii.            What are the various forms of motivation?

                            iii.            Is motivation the main reason for high productivity?

                            iv.            Examine the case of low productivity?

                              v.            Identify the effect of low productivity in an organization?


The project will assist in solving the problem of motivation on workers’ productivity in Federal Polytechnic Library Nasarawa.

The study will result in the production of report which will include; findings, conclusion and recommendation for implementation in order to achieve organizational advancement of self-sustenance and check the institution particularly in the nation generally.

 It also serves as the source of knowledge to other students who will take research into the role of motivation to employees of labour. The study will also proffer solution to major industrial dispute which arises due to low productivity and low performance,it will assist the circular planners, in order to redesign their course content inductive of motivation as a broad subject area in business administration and management studies, manager or management experts and confidents will find the report very useful in their use of motivation as a strategy to induce workers or employees to peak performance when offering their constantly services or professional advice. The study will also provide a foundation through which other research on motivation and workers’ productivity will be conducted. The research will also reduce to the barest minimum industrial dispute being experienced in our society. The study will also contribute to the socio-economic political development of Nigeria, because it will increase the productivity of the employees and generally affect the upliftment of the national productivity sector. The study will generally contribute in the academic.



The area of coverage of this study is the Federal Polytechnic Library Nasarawa. This study area was chosen among others because it hasdifferent categories and classes of employees such categories of staff with varying view interest are;

(a)   The academic staff category

(b)   The non-academic staff category

In the institution there also exist the technical and administrative executives, clerical class to facilitate adequate collection or supply of data of the study. The institution has a population of above one thousand (1000) staff members in its employment. This figure is divided amongst the various department section and unit both academic and non-academic. From among those department or section or unit a few samples of the staff population was taken for the study. The study was limited to the Federal Polytechnic Library Nasarawa because of time factor, financial factor, financial problem etc. which hindered coverage of the study.


The following definitions are giving with work there are:

Motivation: Act of giving and incentive to someone or a group of persons in order to induce a behavior or attitude. It also refers to what stimulates and guides human behaviors and how these behaviors are sustained to attain a specific goal.

Worker: A person engage or employee in a service or organization for wages

Productivity: A summary measure of the quantity and quality of work performance, with resource deployment taken into account. It can be measured at individual, group or organizational levels. To make something good or become better productivity power of being productive, increase in efficiency and the rate at which goods are produces.

Organization: An organize body of person with a common objective concept.




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